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Baby wood mouse cute alert

Baby wood mouse cute alert

This is a real melter. This cute little wood mouse was spotted one morning on it’s own; it’s so little its eyes are still closed. Later in the day it was seen again, in the same place, but after a day in the sun it was looking pretty weak. So enter my daughters. After rounding it up they researched what to do, and armed with kitten milk formula, porridge oats, wheat flakes, banana, and a heated bed pad, they made up a cozy spot for the mouse in a beanie. Two or three drops of formula milk from a syringe were lapped up and even followed with a slice of banana. This little beastie is only the size of a bean so it needs feeding every few hours. Okay the catch – to encourage it to poop, mum mouse would lick it’s tummy, so with the aid of a cotton bud dipped in warm water we set out to induce the mouse and it worked! 24 hours later and it’s getting stronger and able to clean itself.

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